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Dark Firmament Page 5

  “I do as well, Father. I’ll try what Rauli suggested.”

  “Do you remember undergoing a thorough medical exam when you were ten years old,” his father asked. He stopped tapping his fingers and looked Joqi straight in the eyes.


  How could he forget; the exam was necessary before starting his first year of crossball play in school. Crossball was a rigorous game requiring manipulating a spherical ball with your feet and body, without using your hands, across a grassy field defended by an opposing team. The game was made more challenging by the ball having an offset, liquid core that caused the ball to react irregularly when hit. The objective was to kick the ball through a one meter loop that was positioned atop a four meters high pole at the end of the field. Scores counted only if you were no closer than twenty meters to the pole. A semicircle of radius twenty meters was marked on the field around the loop pole. The game was more than rigorous; he still carried scars on his legs from wounds inflicted by defenders.

  “We never told you about the brain scan your grandpapa Sepeda insisted you undergo back then.”

  “What…why was it done,” Joqi asked.

  “I suspect it had something to do with what you face now. Your grandpapa had this uncanny ability to sense things relevant to future events. The scan showed you have many more processing hubs in your brain than are in other people. This probably explains your telepathic capabilities.”

  Joqi was very familiar with the structure and operation of the human brain from his formal schooling and later research with the smart plasma. In most key areas of the brain, neurons cooperated to form processing hubs that greatly enhanced the brain’s effectiveness. Having more processing hubs would surely increase the mind’s stochastic processing capability, the ability to quickly find solutions to complex problems given limited random data about the problems.

  He didn’t know what to make of this new information about his own brain. He had never felt more special than others in his age group; different, yes—more special, no. At times his family elders made him feel special, but that was no big deal. They made all in the younger generation feel special in their own way.

  It was surprising the scan was done at all considering the strong Zilan aversion to investigating inside a person’s body. But then, Prophet Sepeda had great influence.

  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “I want you to know and believe that you have the best chance of anyone on Zilia to meet and overcome the dire threat my father is ... was so concerned about. Challenge yourself mentally and look at problems from different angles. Like your grandpapa said, trust your intuition when you are unsure about what to do.”

  It was a lot for Joqi to take in. “I am firmly committed to this mission.”

  “I know you are. But have you given serious thought to what you could do if you focused the full capabilities of your mind?”

  No he hadn’t, but he certainly would now. He already knew he could “sense” other’s thoughts if he concentrated hard enough. He had also demonstrated some psychokinetic ability, moving and deforming small objects by shear mental power. He had never shared knowledge of these capabilities with anyone, although he suspected his grandpapa knew.

  He recalled his recent discovery that Alandi could also communicate telepathically. She had sought him out a few times since their grandfather’s funeral to practice her emerging capability. His father probably didn’t know about her capability or he would have said something. It was best to let Alandi tell him when she was ready.

  “Father, I’m sure my full capabilities and Dawn’s will be tested in facing the unknown threat.”

  His father struggled to control his emotions; he had just lost his own father and was now at risk of losing his son.

  Joqi wasn’t sure just when he had switched to English while talking to his father, and he continued in that language now. “I’ve been too busy to think much about the personal consequences of the mission. I’m caught up more each day in the rush of activities preparing for our launch date. And I’ll spend more and more time immersed in the smart plasma, where I can most effectively support prelaunch activities.”

  “Just be careful and maintain your personal identity,” his father said, his voice strained by emotion. “Let your sense of self anchor you in the real world. Let it pull you back to reality once your mission is completed.”

  • • •

  Joqi felt uneasy ascending the west stairway to the holy top level in the Temple of Zilerip. Normally only the Council of Priests had access to the top level. Considering that Prophet Sepeda had picked Joqi for the mission, High Priest Harsn wanted to personally perform Joqi and Ecina’s wedding ceremony.

  The High Priest also wanted to highlight the church’s approval of the wedding because it was occurring before the next two-moon eclipse phase, the time when weddings were traditionally conducted. But this was not the time to stand on tradition; Prophet Sepeda had died only one month earlier and Joqi’s mission would launch in another two weeks.

  His oldest brother Rauli greeted him at the closed west door to the Council of Priests chamber. They had to wait until invited inside. Joqi wondered if Ecina was waiting anxiously at the east entryway with her oldest sister.

  The door slid open and a priest motioned them inside. As they walked through the door, Joqi saw Ecina and her sister entering through the east door. Ecina looked radiant in a simple white ankle-length dress. High Priest Harsn stood in front of a low alter running along the south wall of the chamber. Joqi and Ecina were escorted to positions facing the High Priest. His and Ecina’s parents were standing along the north wall with the supreme leader and a few other high ranking dignitaries. He would rather have more of his and Ecina’s family there than the dignitaries. The chamber was devoid of furnishing, and the only decorations were the dark-blue and gold drapes covering the north wall.

  Zilan marriage ceremonies were normally simple affairs and High Priest followed this tradition for Joqi and Ecina. They were asked to link arms, his left arm around her right arm, symbolizing linking them for the rest of their lives. The priest then offered the Bonding Prayer, recounting commitments binding the two together in holy matrimony. They were then asked to hug one another close, as they should the rest of their lives. The priest then touched each lightly on their arms, giving a touch of respect and taking a touch of peace, concluding the ceremony.

  Each of the others in attendance approached to touch their arms lightly before filing out of the chamber. The high priest touched their arms lightly again and wished them the best in their joint pursuit of happiness and obedience to Zil, their name for God. She then turned and departed, leaving Joqi and Ecina alone in the holy Council of Priests chamber.

  Joqi hugged Ecina close again, whispering in her ear, “I love you.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, how I’ve waited for this moment,” she whispered back.

  They left the chamber with arms linked, heading to the traditional dinner where their families also merged to offer support for their future together.

  Joqi and Ecina sat with arms interlocked as they rode the transit railcar to Ecina’s apartment after dinner and visiting with their parents and other family members. They planned to stay in Ecina’s apartment until after his mission and then move to a house. Several other people were in the railcar. There were knowing smiles here and there when people looked at the newlyweds. But no one intruded on their personal time.

  The sun was setting as they left the railcar station and walked to their apartment hand-in-hand. Joqi pulled Ecina close once they were in the apartment entryway and out of sight of anyone outside. She responded passionately to his kiss, pressing hard against him as his hands explored down her backside. There would be no holding back this night.

  Ecina pulled back breathless. He wanted more, to breathe her essence in deeply, and he pulled her close again. He wanted to touch her everywhere at once, but settled for feeling her body molded to his as their kiss deep

  Ecina pulled away, chuckling at his unrestrained groping. “Give me a few minutes, then come to the bedroom.”

  It was all Joqi could do to restrain himself. He finally gave in and hurried to the bedroom, stopping abruptly at the open door. Ecina stood naked at the foot of the bed, smiling invitingly. He started removing his clothes while drinking in her beauty and sexuality with his eyes.

  “I started to put on a shear nightgown,” Ecina whispered, “then I thought about your reaction in our nude viewing.”

  Joqi tossed aside his underwear and looked over his shoulder.

  “Is your mother going to stop us this time?”

  She laughed and pirouetted in a complete circle. When she completed the turn he stood only a foot away. She was breathing heavily as he pulled her to him and sought her tender lips. The kiss deepened and he moved his hands slowly down her backside.

  When the ecstasy of the moment became unbearable, she lay back on the bed and welcomed his passionate advance.


  “Our prelaunch training approach is not working,” Lenjay said.

  “What do you mean,” Joqi asked, even though he knew the answer.

  “Limiting the smart plasma to external body interfaces is inhibiting your full access and control of ship sensors and systems.”

  “I know,” Joqi admitted reluctantly.

  “You need to go to full invasive immersion and stay there through launch,” Eve said, cutting to the bottom line. “It is just six days until launch and you are not ready.”

  Joqi had come to the same understanding earlier, but procrastinated on making the transition decision. To give up his close relationship with Ecina right after their wedding was a sacrifice he was reluctant to make. And knowing that the smart plasma would enter his body during full, invasive immersion disgusted him.

  “Joqi,” Lenjay said softly, “the timing of this is terrible, I know, but ...”

  Joqi raised his hand, stopping Lenjay from saying anything else.

  “We’ll go to full invasive immersion tomorrow. I’ll say my goodbyes tonight.”

  • • •

  Joqi was more than a little depressed as he made the short walk from the railcar station to the apartment Ecina shared with him. The sky was fighting to hold on to the last light of day, as he was fighting to hold on to every moment of his last day on Zilia. He and Ecina were married just four days earlier and this would be their last night together until after the mission was completed.

  His parents and siblings understood why he must proceed with full immersion now, but still, parting was most difficult. He had agreed to visit Alandi in her laboratory the next morning before heading up to the Horizon Quest. She wanted to show him an important research project related to sensory perception.

  He could see Ecina through the kitchen window, busy with something on the counter. He paused; she was wearing the same outfit as the night they had almost given in to their desires before they were married. She looked beautiful in the light green tunic. He opened the door and entered. She heard him and hurried to greet him.

  “I need to talk to you, sweetheart,” he said solemnly, cupping her face in his hands.

  She pressed close, put a finger on his lips, and shook her head no.

  “I’ve made some tea and cupcakes,” she whispered, her voice catching. Seeing the redness around her gray-green eyes, he knew she had been crying. “I’ll join you in the living room.”

  She knew, but how? He walked slowly to the living room, thoughts in turmoil.

  He rose from the couch when Ecina came in carrying a tray with tea and cupcakes on it. She handed the tray to him, and he placed it on the table in front of the couch. By the time he straightened up, she had removed the light green tunic. She wore the same lacy white blouse and knee-length loose skirt as before, and her sensual appearance aroused him. She moved quickly to embrace him. In spite of the depressing news he brought her this night, she was focused on making the night memorable for both of them.


  She put a finger on his lips again to stop any conversation. The love and desire he saw in her eyes compelled him to kiss her tenderly, to hold and caress her, the love of his life. He soon found out she wore no panties this night either.

  Joqi and Ecina cuddled close the next morning, not wanting their intimate time together to end.

  “I would like to have a child for each time we made love last night,” Ecina whispered.

  “That would be a lot of mouths to feed,” Joqi said, chuckling.

  She laughed and he hugged her close one last time. Ecina pulled away and punched him playfully, and then rolled over to face away from him, fighting back tears. He kissed her on the nape of her neck and got up to shower and dress.

  • • •

  Joqi found Alandi busy in the biology lab of the Zilan Institute of Advanced Studies. The Institute was located in what was formerly the embassy occupied by their grandpapa Sepeda and his team upon arrival at Zilia as envoys representing Earth. This original diplomatic envoy was still the only humans of Earth origin to visit Zilia. And for good reason; Earth tried to make martyrs of Prophet Sepeda and his team.

  Alandi looked up when he entered the lab, and he could tell from her eyes that she had been crying. Two other researchers were working nearby.

  Alandi hurried over to greet him with a hug. “I’ll miss you, big brother. Thanks for coming to see me.”

  I love you sis, he conveyed. I’m sorry I have to leave, especially now.

  I understand, she responded. It would be great to cultivate this capability with you.

  You can communicate with Eve, Joqi replied. She will help you hone your skill. And I will converse with you when I can before launch.

  He sensed something or someone else touching his thoughts.


  No, she replied, smiling. Let me show you something very peculiar.

  The other two researchers were looking at them curiously, since no words were spoken after Alandi’s initial greeting.

  “Show me what you are working on,” Joqi said.

  Alandi looked puzzled. She looked at the other two and realized why he was speaking out loud.

  “Come, I’ll show you.” She pulled him by the arm to the glass container she was standing by when he came in. It looked like a fish tank, but without water.

  “See that little guy on the rock?”

  To Joqi, it looked like an elongated rock itself. It had no visible appendages or body openings that he could see. Its body color was splotchy, a mix of different shades of gray. It was elongated like a stubby snake or long slug.

  “Hmmm, no appendages, no visible body openings. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “Nor have we,” Alandi said. “Apparently it eats by absorbing nutrients through the skin and excretes waste the same way, like sweating through the skin. It was found recently in a deep cave near our southern hemisphere mining district.”

  But what’s really interesting, she added privately, is we cannot find any sensory features on or in the little guy. And it has no distinctive internal organs.

  I sensed the presence of something earlier, Joqi conveyed. Was it this creature?

  I believe so, but I haven’t shared this with anyone else. Alandi then continued, “We three have been looking closely at this one and several of its kind. So far we are baffled as to what it is or what it can do.”

  “It seems to sense its environment in some uncommon way,” said one of the two researchers. He smiled, and then added, “We have jokingly nicknamed it the ESP slug.”

  Joqi smiled back. The “extrasensory perception slug”, a name probably more appropriate than the researcher realized.

  Alandi nodded toward another door and motioned for him to follow her into an office. She closed the door for privacy.

  “I wanted to see you before you are ensconced in the command pod,” she said. “But I also wanted you to see the slug. It’s about as alie
n a creature as you’ll find here.”

  She struggled for words and for composure. Before she could continue, Joqi gathered her in his arms for a long hug.

  I will be okay, Sis. I understand your concern and the message you want to convey.

  Joqi, keep your mind open and alert for all things peculiar. Something as innocuous as a slug may open the door to unbelievable surprises.

  His little sister was surprisingly mature.

  I’ll keep an open mind, Sis.

  He hugged her close again, and then left. He couldn’t delay any longer; Lenjay and Eve were waiting to seal him in the plasma filled command pod. Then in one week the Horizon Quest would launch, heading toward the intersection point.

  • • •

  “Until we meet again in person, my friend, stay safe,” Lenjay said as Joqi stepped into the command pod aboard the Horizon Quest.

  “I will never be far away,” Joqi replied as he watched the smart plasma flow quickly up his naked body. He fully expected to stay in close contact with those on Zilia via the Hycoms communication links.

  He reached over and touched Lenjay on the arm. “Thanks for giving me as much time as possible with my family before starting fulltime immersion. I will learn what I must know by launch time.”

  “I know you will,” Lenjay said as Joqi lay back and submerged in the plasma filled pod.

  Joqi relaxed as the pod hatch sealed shut, and of all things, he thought about the “ESP” slug Alandi had shown him earlier in the day. In a way he was like the slug when he was immersed in the plasma. The plasma formed a homogenous shell around him in the command pod, with no visible interfaces with the external environment. He communicated with the shell; it communicated with everything external to the pod.

  He opened his mind to the plasma and encouraged it to establish deep, direct contact with all his sensory elements, something he had heretofore not done. Joqi thought about his grandpapa, and for the first time fully accepted that his role in the mission was essential for its success. This acceptance kept him relaxed as the plasma entered every bodily opening while establishing contact with every nerve ending in his skin, internally and externally.